Hurricane Florence Day II

Reports during the morning hours from Ocracoke noted messy conditions and a fluky cross chop wave in the head high range. The morning wave crew, that was on the 9:00am ferry, included Charlie, Rodanthe Dan, Emo (pulling an all nighter drive from DC), Dana M, Caleb, Keith M, and Bob from VA Beach. These guys caught it early on Ocracoke; however, as high tide passed at around 11:30am, vehicles were trapped by rising water and flooding of the beach access road on the northern point of Ocracoke. I called Dan in the morning for the report and he mentioned that he was towing vehicles out of rising ocean water! I do not have the photos yet, but will post when they arrive. All in all, it sounded like the morning session was not the best, so I did not feel like I missed too much since I could not take off from work until after 12:00pm.

Here are some pics from the day:
(Note, will be posting more shots once I get some of the close-ups from other photographers shooting over the past two days)

Keith M. on a nice sized set wave

Kiteboarder ahead of the soup!

Keith sharing the waves with the kiteboarding crew

Another shot of the Keith coming in on a set swell

Keith's trailer

Doing the walk up the beach.

Charles L. hitching a ride after washing away down the beach in the strong inside current

One of the Real kiteboarders sharing a similar experience as Charles

Another sunset and end to an awesome windsurfing day on Hatteras Island...
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