Location: Nags Head, North Carolina, United States
Longer hair (my wife's choice, though short now?!!), tan complexion, heart rate at 58 BPM. I live in shorts, a t-shirt, and slaps, and drive a 2002 black Nissan Frontier with cap and boards/foil hanging out the back.
This is a diary of living on the Outer Banks for a 40-something year old ocean sports enthusiast who works from home as a software engineer and windsurfs, surfs, and enjoys the beauty of these islands when "off the clock!"
Looks like the Bermuda high is setting up again for late this week.Friday so far is the call for southwest (SW) winds in the 20+ mph range. Hopefully, it will be a late day/evening session... perfect way to start the weekend after a long work week. Plus, the weather has been pretty lousy on the OBX over the past few days. Looking for a hit! Photographer: Keith McCulloch
Found this interesting story today regarding a strange substance spotted in the ocean water across from Jockey's Ridge in Nags Head. Over the past few years, a number of storm water drain pipes have been installed along the Nags Head beaches, so swimming/surfing near those pipes may be a little risky. Though, the sand bars are usually fairly shallow, therefore good for surfing. Just need to make sure there has not been any rain for a while before venturing out near those pipes.