Signs, Signs, Everywhere a Sign...!
Blocking out the scenery breaking my mind
Do this, don't do that, can't you read the sign"
(click on image to see the full Jockey's Ridge Sign Gallery)
Kind of reminds me of that 1970s protest song titled "Signs" by Five Man Electrical Band. Jockey's Ridge is literally inundated with signs! Between spoiling the soundside view, to creating a hazard for hiking gear out to the beach, there is definitely overkill with the signs. If anyone from the State Park Service checks into this blog; here are a few recommendations from a patron of Jockey's Ridge beach from before the State began "managing" it.
1) Remove all the signs, and consolidate the messages into ONE sign!
2) Create a new walking path though the vegetation line (sand trail only) near where you want watersports enthusiasts to launch. Note, the path should be wide enough to carry gear.
3) The only "sign" that should remain holds the doggie bags for owners to collect their pet's beach craps. Hopefully, pet owners pay attention to that "sign!"
Too much signage? Let the Park Service know.
Spring is nearly here, and with the additional hour of daylight courtesy of Daylight Savings, those late afternoon/early evening SW ramp ups are now sailable! Hopefully, more reporting coming soon as we sail though March!