May Action and TS Ana!
We are well into the prime late Spring/early Summer wave sailing season on the OBX, and the crew down south have been scoring on the south side from Frisco to Hatteras Inlet! Recent NE winds and south side swell have lined up some quite nice conditions down there. TS Ana kicked up a few days of excellent rare Cove conditions along with fun times in the ocean south of Avon.
Kieth M, and Ken A have been on it for each offering, along with some of the seasonal and visiting crew down there. Unfortunately, I have missed it all due to life/work commitments.
All in all, great to see all the action over the past week from down south, though it does feel somewhat odd that I was not there, as in every year over the past 20+, I was usually there at least for some of it. Well, there will be more to come in 2015 and hopefully I will be able to navigate the complexities to find time to squeeze in some mental decompression sessions south of Oregon Inlet. Right now though, back to work...
Check out these galleries Keith M put together!