
Jockey's Ridge Report

Winds were just shy of the windsurfing mark today; however, the kiters caught some the south winds at Jockeys Ridge:

Kiter heading out in ankle to knee deep water. This year, the water is quite shallow at the Jockey's Ridge launch. For windsurfing, you will need to walk out a minimum of 50 yards to clear the fin.

A view into the south wind at Jockeys Ridge.

The park locks the gate at 5:00pm though March even though we will have daylight until around 7:00pm. Though you can rig inside and then move your vehicle outside the gate to sail after the park closes.

February Wrap Up

February report, though a lame calendarWinter on the OBX has been full of windsurfing this year! I had 5 days of sailing (4.7m and down), and few "Missed Its." According to Andy's Lost in Hatteras blog, he and Stewart were on the water nearly every day of the month! Billy E was also a regular in Feb for the south side sessions! There has definitely been plenty of wind and the only factor was the cold water temps. 45 degree water is tough, but when it pops above 50 degrees, its not too bad! On the south facing beaches, Andy and Stewart caught it during the fairly frequent west wind sessions. All in all, a great month for OBX winter windsurfing! Hopefully March will continue the flow! Next week, we get an extra hour of daylight too!
Note, my calendar for 2008 is pretty lame, and I was thinking... wouldn't all the great photography from OBX windsurfing in 2007 been perfect fodder for a 2008 calendar. Perhaps next year?!