May Begins with SW Winds

Keith, Jim, Caleb, Martine, Olaf, Chad, a few vacationing windsurfers, and myself enjoyed the excellent weather and water conditions for early May. We all had fun even though the wind overall was kind of light and the surf was small.
I continued forward loop practice, though since the wind was a little light, I tossed fewer than past sessions since there was not a lot of power in the sail. Though some of the spins felt quite good, and I am confident that the next windy day with some bigger swell will provide ample air time to land and sail away. Caleb was even out there working on his forwards, and Keith was showing us how they should be done.
All in all, a fun time at the Point. Looks like today will be the end to the SW run, with NE returning tomorrow and though the weekend. Perhaps some waves finally!
Here are some more photos from today:

Rigging up for some time on the water at the Point

Riding though the surf zone looking for something to hit!

Beach camp at the Point

Caleb heading out while Jim is working a wave on the outside