
Skunked This Weekend for the LoopOff

Well, after a promising forecast all week, the wind just did not materialize for the LoopOff. Today, there were breezy pulses here and there around volatile weather across the OBX, but nothing consistent for ideal LoopOff conditions. The forecast tomorrow looks fairly lame as well, therefore we will likely postpone the LoopOff until next weekend (June 27 - 29).

George with a new 5.6m Simmer X-Flex donated by Avon Sail House!The Commit Fest continues through the end of the month. Congratulations again to George Markopoulos, who was the first to successfully commit during the 2008 Commit Fest. We are very happy that George will be heading back to MD with a newly discovered passion and challenge in our sport of windsurfing! Additionally, he scored a new red 5.6m Simmer X-Flex donated by Avon Sail House!! Good luck George!...you will be landing and sailing away in the straps soon!

There is still time for more commits to be spun, as long as we get some windy days. Who will be next?!