Continent Seven Latest Moves Video Widget
A new widget has been added to OBX Beach Life below Current Maui Air Fares. It contains the latest windsurfing moves videos from Continent Seven Windsurfing.
The CSW site has the best video catalog of windsurfing moves I have found on the web. If you are looking for video to see how your 2008 new move goal is done, check out CSW's catalog. Great stuff!
OBX Beach Life is becoming your portal for great content related to windsurfing found across the web. From Maui airfares, to the latest video moves, plus the local OBX scene, I am bringing everything here in one place as a starting point for great windsurfing content. The concept comes primarily from my search for fresh information out there that I find useful in my everyday online windsurfing fix. I still want to keep the blog content "OBX local," but airfares to Maui is something we all want to keep an eye on. Enjoy!
PS: Strong OBX west wind is in the forecast for tomorrow. South-side anyone?!