Support One of the Local Wave Crew!
OBX Beach Life BroadcastsGear for SALE!!About Me
Longer hair (my wife's choice, though short now?!!), tan complexion, heart rate at 58 BPM. I live in shorts, a t-shirt, and slaps, and drive a 2002 black Nissan Frontier with cap and boards/foil hanging out the back.
Tweets by @obxBB
2008-03-13Support One of the Local Wave Crew!
Poll Results and an Aerial Tour of Jockey's RidgePoll Results: When are you coming to visit? April: 14 votes (39%) I live here!: 6 votes (17%) Other: 4 votes (11%) May and June tied with 3 votes each Honorable Mention: Other - "every freakin' windy day!" April, as always, is the popular month for spring windsurfing on the OBX. Its a great time for wind but wetsuits are usually still required. April is best summed up in one word: "Everything!" Basically, bring everything since it could be cold, warm, windy, calm, rainy, sunny, big surf, flat, etc...the only consistency is that it is warmer than March or February, and there is always WindFest! As for wind, it is usually pretty windy with a range spanning one extreme to the other. Bring the 3.2m as well as the 7.0m. By June we usually see the consistent near daily SW afternoon thermals in the 20 to 25mph range, no full-suits, warm air, and moderate to small surf. June though Sept is usually when I wear out my 5.3m! Who knows though?! Given our windy and "warm" winter, hopefully it will carry into April, and on to June - summer! It would be great if my 4.7m could get as much water time as the 5.3m this year! An Aerial Tour of Jockey's Ridge Back by popular demand, another aerial flight..this time over Jockey's Ridge. Its a high altitude view from the north end of the state park. Enjoy! |