This afternoon, I decided to catch a little time on the water down south. Hatteras Lighthouse beach was the call where I met Caleb, Dan, Dana, another visiting sailor, and a number of kiteboarders. Conditions were side-onshore NNE winds blowing in the upper 20s. Air temps were cold with wind chill in the 40s and bright sunshine. Water temps were in the mid-50s. The combined air/water temperature hovered likely just over 100, per the "100 Rule." There was a nice ocean swell with waves averaging chest high with a number of head high sets. I rigged 4.7m and given the side-onshore wind, it was mainly backside riding, though you could get some turns if you opened the sail wide to avoid being back winded. It was a short but fun session with plenty of big back flops, tabletops, and a few nice wave hits; however, it was quite cold on, not in the water. I had to dip my hands many times, and even then they remained numb. The water was much warmer a few days ago in Ocracoke. Some of the local wave crew did venture to Ocracoke today, but reports from there noted small surf and side-offshore winds, similar to this
past Sunday.
Bill backside at Hatteras Lighthouse beach. Photographer: Jim MyersSee more Lighthouse session photos by photographer Lane Du PontI shot the photo above while sitting in traffic on Pea Island during my trek to Hatteras. NC DOT has repaved the low spots where the road often floods due to heavy rain or ocean overwash. They have also widened the roadway and its a much smoother ride though the sections just south of Oregon Inlet bridge and at S-Turns before entering Rodanthe. Nice that the road work is complete, but I did have to sit in "traffic" for a little while. However, I guess that is better than the rush hour that was likely starting around the same time in any of the surrounding east coast USA metro centers!