
Perhaps, Best of the Summer?!...

This past Friday (7/28/06) saw some of the best summer waves and wind thus far... We had a near epic session at the Boiler on Pea Island, just south of Oregon Inlet. Waves were clean chest to head high in the sets, and winds were SW in the 25 to 30 mph range. Sailed most of the session on a 4.7m. Charlie, Dan, and I caught it at around 4:30pm and sailed until after dark at around 8:45pm. Here are a few shots from the day. Note, all shots were taken on the water while sailing. I had my camera in its water housing for this photo session.

A view of the Boiler, the smokestack of a sunken ship from years past.

Coming into the lineup on one of the wave sets.

A view of what is coming from behind...the swell is starting to form up.

Charlie heading out after a ride in the wave zone.

Dan on the inside looking for something to ride on the sandar.