
That Would Suck!

Charles L submitted this photo of a van victimized by the ocean last weekend as Noel passed by the OBX. Rt 12 on Pea Island was completely shut down most of the day last Saturday. Tuesday when I drove down there to catch the session at Ego, road crews were continuously moving sand at spots near S-Turns north of Rodanthe, and the overwash area south of Oregon Inlet. I guess it will be a battle against water and sand for the foreseeable future along those stretches of Rt 12.
A few words of advice:

  1. if you have an "expensive" vehicle, do not drive south of Nags Head during times of strong NE winds and high tide

  2. if you drive on the beach, avoid driving though flowing ocean water, or tidal streams. I have recently seen beach drivers doing this, and heard of a close call at the Point in Buxton, and the loss of an late model heavy duty pickup that was literally swept out to sea!