HOT Summer Session at Salvo Ramp

I made the trek down to Salvo Ramp around 4:00pm to catch an afternoon session there. The crew had been sailing the spot just north of the Ramp for the past two days. I missed Wed, and Thurs since I was up in the DC metro area; however, I did not want to miss today since SW was again on tap. I arrived to blowing sand at the beach, and solid whitecaps on the water. Keith called and was at the Point in Buxton, but noted light wind there and a small outside wave. I decided to remain in Salvo since the winds were blowing strong, and the Point is notorious for never filling in, as compared to Salvo. I rigged 4.7m and had fun for about 1/2 hour in the surf zone and outside swell where lots of loop ramps were found.

While I was on the water, I had the GoPro out for some loops, and tried a different perspective with the camera facing back towards the clew of the boom. Keep an eye in the video for the forward loop with the camera looking backwards! In case anyone is wondering, the last bit at the end of the clip is what it looks like to get slammed. Interesting facial expression!
GoPro Video Report: