
Graham Ezzy Visits the OBX

Graham Ezzy hitting it!  source:  The Daily PrincetonianGraham Ezzy was in town this week visiting the OBX for the first time. The surf was not here to give Graham an Atlantic playground to work his moves, but we did have some fun afternoon SW wind. Salvo Ramp was the call as Waves reported the windiest spot on the islands throughout the afternoon yesterday. I made the recon run and found a small bit of outside whitewater and sand blowing on the beach. After phoning Olaf to report conditions, he mustered the crew and they arrived hiking gear over the ramp and out to the beach. I was already on the water, but knew it was Graham who launched first after seeing two dry FWD loops in near immediate sequence on his first run out! We all sailed into early evening as the sun was setting and the SSW winds hovered in the 5.3m range. After the sesh, we packed up and hit Hot Tuna in Rodanthe for some grub and a few brews (those of us over 21).

All in all, a fun summer session, though if we had surf...well, likely next week?!

Good luck Graham on the PWA circuit in Europe, and perhaps we will see you again next Fall. Just be sure to stack your Princeton classes Tuesday though Thursday with Fridays off, and only afternoon classes on Mondays. That sets you up for those long weekend Hatteras runs when we do get wind and surf here during the school year!

Check Graham in action in this YouTube video (not Hatteras ;) ):