Lots of Weather Today!
Between downpouring rain, loud thunder claps, and flash lightning strikes, everything weather-wise was thrown at the OBX today. Topping the mix was warm air temps pushing past the 70 degree mark, and strong south winds! All day, the IWS meters were pegged in the mid to upper 20s. I made two recon runs during the day. The first was around noon to Enterprise Street in Nags Head. Rain poured down, but the ocean scene was quite inviting with a decent outer bar wave in the overhead high range. Large plumes of water sprayed off the breaking outside surf, but on the beach there was no wind due to all the buildings along the ocean front. The angle had just a tad too much west in it for a Nags Head ocean launch. However, if the water was warm, I would have swam the gear out to the wind line since power appeared available on the outer bar.

I am going to chalk this day as a "Missed It" in the calendar, since it was definitely sailable, and looked fun, but with no one around and cold water, I decided to save it for another day. Some of the crew did catch a session at the Point in Hatteras. Stay tuned to Lost In Hatteras for the details!
Upon returning to Nags Head, I stopped by the Nags Head pier and caught this photo of the break on the south side. If some of you were on the blog today checking the Live Pier Cam feed, you may have seen these guys in the water.