
We Need the Surf Gods Blessing In Hatteras!

Spring 2010 in Hatteras has had the full blessing of the "Wind Gods" as we have seen an excellent array of SW windy weather throughout April and May. Two solid Bermuda Highs, plus plenty of single SW and occasional NE days have been great for wind. However, in the surf department, conditions have been less than ideal. The Hatteras Atlantic is functioning more like July as compared to April/May. Normally, April/May surf averages 4 to 5 feet with many days of chest to head high conditions. However, this year, we are averaging 2 feet knee to thigh, with even waist high being fairly rare. Kind of a bummer for the wavesailing crew as we are definitely stoked for the windy weather, but when paired with surf, we have only found a few days were everything gelled together.

Coupled too with the lack of sand bars at popular spots such as Ego Beach, and the current and coming National Park Service (NPS) summer beach closures, if the surf gets good, we may not be able to hit it?! Ramp 23, which has a nice sandbar setup, has already been shut down, and at Ramp 27 the ideal bar is located in restricted beach area. You can still sail it, but cannot come into shore for anything...or else....?!

All in all, its a bummer that both the surf this Spring has been less than ideal, and given the coming summer full beach closures starting May 15, if any surf begins to hit, perhaps all the best breaks will be inaccessible.

Oh well, welcome to Cape Hatteras 2010... definitely nothing like Cape Hatteras 2005 when we had access and SURF!