November Wrap Up

November 2007 will be remembered for Hurricane Noel and the wind/swell produced along with the video/photo documented action. The tow-in surfing in 20+ ft surf at Old Lighthouse Beach, captured in photos by Lane, were quite amazing in the wake of Noel! also has some great surfing footage from Noel, including a video of the tow-in event! One of the surfing shots of local pro surfer Jesse Hines even made Billabong's XXL Awards! Interesting to see the photo from Kill Devil Hills, NC in the same league as world renowned big wave meccas including Dungeons, South Africa; Mavericks, California, and Punta De Lobos, Chile!! Click "Monster Paddle" then "next page" on the Billabong site for the KDH shot. Crew from the OBX surfing community called it the biggest OBX surf in 15 years! We do not get it here often, but when it comes...
The remainder of the month was hit or miss with sessions dictated by being at the right place at the right time to catch it. Though as usual, the Thanksgiving session, which I missed..., provided plenty of action before turkey was served.
We are now into winter windsurfing on the OBX with the start of December. The previous winter season provided many fun days with frequent warm windy SW sessions in water temps hovering in the upper 50s/low 60s on the southern beaches. Now, it will be time to keep a keen eye on the OBX Sea Surface Temps data to gauge the "100 Rule" (air + water temp => 100) requirements for winter OBX windsurfing.
November's Calendar:

Forgot to post October: