Today reminded me of a late September or early October tropical storm approach/exit on OBX! The forecast called for gale force south winds with a gradual fade by afternoon. Gusts were forecast to reach near 70mph, and I had my doubts until I awoke this morning. Heavy rain downpours and gusty gale force winds wildly shook the trees around the house. The IWS meters were pegged well into the 30 and 40 mph range. Gusts at Avon Pier topped out around 61mph! Reports from down south noted big conditions and heavy current in the surf zone as straight south wind, which is side to side-onshore down there, blanketed the area. In Nags Head though, south wind is side to side-off. When I checked conditions in Nags Head around noon, there was huge surf, but fading wind (at least on the beach). Waves were easily topping 10 to 12 ft with crumbly soft faces. If it was Sept or October, we definitely would have been on it, but given the 45 degree water temps this time of year, the last thing you would want is a long swim for your gear after a wipeout! By 3:00pm, the wind weakened further and switched SW which is near straight offshore in Nags Head. Perfect surfing conditions but I did not find any surfers on it. It looked beautiful, but the water is pretty cold!
As for windsurfing, it did not happen here, though I believe
Andy and Steward rigged small and hit the Hole! I was going to go after a teleconference meeting this afternoon, but by the time it ended, the wind was over. I even "Miss It" due to work commitments?! Perhaps this weekend, we may see another round as the stars are again aligned on WindGuru...though, blue instead of yellow?!!
The photos with this post were from Loggerhead Street, Nags Head around 3:30pm.
Nice spacing between the waves, for what would have been a relatively easy line out...if September?!
Breaking on the outer bars.
Some pretty big shore pound if you attempted to launch after a set rolled though...