
SW 4.2m, Sunshine, Warmth, and Broken Booms!

UPDATE: Yana just posted some shots of Caleb yesterday in the ocean 5 miles north of Rodanthe on Pea Island! Check em out!

What a welcoming weekend for the Hatteras 2009 Spring windsurfing season! Today, everything aligned for perfect late March windsurfing FUN times in Hatteras. SW winds ratcheted into the low 30 mph range all afternoon with plenty of juice for 4.2m high wind windsurfing! Bright sunshine, 70+ degree air, and a cloudless sky topped off the experience with pure enjoyment on the water! Until....my boom broke! No worries though, since I had a solid 2 hrs of juiced 4.2m power at Jockey's Ridge looping like a madman on every available ramp of opportunity! Fun times! Luckily though, it broke at JRidge and not during a big/cold day in the ocean!?!

The parking lot at JRidge was full with both the local kite crew, and a number of visiting windsurfers from the Va Beach area. Everyone had a blast out in the sound-side wind swell rollers! 60 something degree sound-side water temps felt great too!

Oceanside, the northern beaches were not seeing much of a swell. I ran down to Coquina to check conditions prior to my JRidge romp; however, the surf was small in the waist high range, and no one was out. Though, further south near Avon, reports noted sizable head to overhead conditions. Stay tuned to Andy's blog as I am sure he will have the wave report from Avon!

Yana snapped this shot a few miles north of Rodanthe where Caleb sailed today! Looked like a fun wave, and definitely a spot to keep an eye on this Spring!