Rt 12 is Back, and Serendipity Must Go!
Two excellent pieces of news for the OBX!!!
The Island Free Press has reported (scroll down a little bit on the page) that yesterday Rt 12 has opened to all traffic! The NCDOT has done an excellent job to get the area back in action for access to Rodanthe and points south.

Oh yea, and Andy at Lost in Hatteras reports excellent wavesailing at the Lighthouse yesterday!! Killer shots of Keith M lined up and then eaten by a big one!! Fun times!!
PS: You all wondering where I was at, especially since I have a brand new Quatro Tempo 92 PVC waiting to get wet?! Well, I am finally in the final stages of a SW application construction/deployment which I have been working on since mid-summer. The effort has cut into much of my windsurfing time this Fall as I have missed a number of days over the past month or so (really bummed I missed that Cove Sesh!)... Friday is the rollout, and though work will continue, perhaps I may be able to slip down to Avon to catch a few more sessions once into the operations and maintenance phase...