Today on the OBX, we were blasted with 40+ mph winds all afternoon! I was able to take the new 2008 3.7m Legend out for a wild ride in the wind swell off Jockey's Ridge. The day began with heavy rain, and some thunder boomers. I did not get on the road until about 10:30am. Winds at that time were gusting in the mid to upper 30s, and I drove to Coquina Beach to meet Billy E for a session. The strong south wind produced perfect side-off conditions at Coquina, and the surf was moderate size, and building...

We waited out a few rain squalls, and by 12:15pm were rigging up. I rigged 5.3m since the wind dropped after the rain ended, and Billy barely made it out on a 4.6m. It was quite difficult to get out due to current, no wind in the zone, and heavy wetsuits. After being denied the first time, I finally made it out, and caught a number of fun waves, as conditions continued to build. What wrapped it for me was getting caught back in the inside after washing in the soup. With no power in the sail, and a balancing act while working over one head high+ wave after another, my arms were spent and I had one more wave before coming into the beach. The wind later increased, but with conditions getting pretty big, and water remaining cold (not enticing for a long possible swim), we decided to hang it up at Coquina.

Driving back to Nags Head, the skies began the clear, and the wind increased. Billy and I checked Jockey's Ridge, and the sound was all whitewater. Perfect for some high wind craziness! I rigged my new 3.7 Legend, and was quite overpowered for most of the session as winds averaged in the mid 40s with gusts to mid 50s! Pretty crazy out there, yet fun!! Water temp in the sound was easily in the 60+ degree range and felt rather balmy. I sailed for about 3 hrs, and the last hour was fairly comfortable 3.7m wind.
All in all, what a day to welcome Spring time to the OBX!
Check out the video of the day:
Nice, looks like you caught it good at coquina (despite the light winds)! Right after talking to Billy the wind went more SW down here, so we all just stuck around instead of driving for an hour! Looks like your waves were a way better setup than Ego!
Nice video!
where'd the video of your aweswome waveriding skills from saturday go?
Only had 1 min of video from Coquina since Billy was catching vid between rigging up to a bigger sail, and catching a few clips of the conditions. If we had a designated videographer yesterday, we likely would have had more footage; however, the one wave captured on video kind of sums up conditions.
PS: I love how the critical comments are always "anonymous."
Oh well, cheers to the anonymous commenter(s). See you in the surf!
he's got more nicknames than anyone on the beach.
Sounds like a blast! I ended up on my 3.4 on Saturday.
More Pics not yet seen !
Hey EC! Nice! definitely nuclear last Sat!
Note, I added some instructions for posting images on the OBX Forum, if you want to post any there for folks to do a quick view.
Looks like this coming Sat may be a repeat, though perhaps the 3.7m will remain dry.
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